All of our stores are FINALLY open again!!  As we navigate the "new normal", our goal has and always will be providing you with a fun place to shop.  Let's do that in the SAFEST way possible!

Review the CDC Guidelines for Covid 19 here
If you have any of these symptoms or are sick, please don't come shopping 

* We are requiring face coverings that cover your nose and mouth (we are wearing them too)
* We ask that you sanitize your hands before you enter - we have sanitizer!!
* Customers must must maintain 6 feet distancing at all times
* We are keeping our doors open, but only admitting groups of 5 or less shoppers
* We are limiting customer apparel try-on to 8 items (then remove them from the floor for 24 hours)
* We are only accepting credit cards & other touchless payment methods - no cash
* All purchases made in store during this time are FINAL SALE

This may seem strict, but we want to be as safe as possible in this phase of reopening so we can all do our part to flatten the curve.

If you aren't ready to venture out into the retail world yet (we totally get it!), try curbside! 
* Shop for your favorite items online
* Select curbside pickup at checkout
* Receive an email or text when your order is ready
* Take a nice relaxing drive or walk to our store
* Let us put the goods right in the trunk of your car or hand them to you through our SF takeout window
If you prefer to call or text us an order, we're happy to handle it that way too.  Just reach out to us at our cool new cell phone number (972) 646-1415.

We miss seeing your faces and helping you pick out clothes that make you look awesome - so let's not let corona stop us.  If you live in the Dallas & surrounding areas, let us put together a box of our favorite looks for you to try on at home!

Here's how it works:
* Select the Custom Style Box on our website or text us at (972) 646-1415 and let us know you'd like a Style Box
* Our team with reach out with a few quick questions to get an idea of what will make the perfect box for you
* We'll curate a box of goodies and deliver it to your house
* Once it arrives, you have 48 hours to shop the box.  You decide what to keep & what to send back
* We'll come back and grab the box & only charge you for what you keep

And no pressure to keep anything if it doesn't work for you.  We're trying to make it fun, not a stressful chore.

As always, if you need to reach us, we're here (honestly, aren't we all on our phones & insta 24/7 these days??)
TEXT - (972) 646-1415 
DM - @shopyandi
